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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fattest Kid in the World

She eats 10,000 calories each day in Coca-Colas, 15 hamburgers with fries and several kilograms of chocolate. What she eats in one day some children eat in half a year. Her breakfast consists of white bread, potato chips and two litres of coke. And she wants more.

When she last visited the doctor four years ago she had 110 kilograms. Unfortunately, she can no longer run and instead of walking she drags herself on the floor. Under such bodily weight her bones have already become distorted.

Mother Carolyn gives her daughter whatever the child wants. In the first week after she was born, when the baby cried because of stomach pains, the mother calmed her by feeding her with a bottle because she thought the child was hungry. “I gave her the bottle and she wanted more and more. It was not enough for her and she was constantly hungry”, Jessica’s mother says.

The doctors warn that the child’s health is already dangerously at risk and could die if not treated.

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94 year old Ramajit Raghav Becomes Father For the First Time

The wait to hold his own child is finally over for Ramajit Raghav, who became father to a son for the first time at the advanced age of 94.
Ramajit hails from a small village in India and has been working at his landlord’s farm for the last 22 years. He got married to Shakuntala, his second wife ten years ago who is believed to be in her 50s presently.
Shakuntala was admitted to the Kharkoda town Government civil Hospital last month where she delivered normally a baby boy.
The proud parents have named their baby Karamjit andhis father insists that he is ‘God’s gift’ to him. He also adds that his age is only a number and he has a clear, clutter-free mind.
When asked whether he was worried about his child’sfuture, the new dad insisted he is in good health and that he would still be around in a decade.
‘Nothing will happen to my child as I will die only if a black snake bites me and that is very far,’ he said.

Visit me after 10 years and you will find me in the same appearance.’
Dr. Mahendra Kumar the seniormedical officer of the hospitalconfirmed the birth of the child and said that though it was a remote possibility to have a child at this age; it could not becompletely ruled out.
‘Having babies at such age is remote possibility but then it can’t be ruled out as it just needs one sperm to fertilise the egg.’
With this birth, Ramajit has beaten the previous holder of the oldest dad crown in India, a 90 year old Nanu Ram Jogi, who became a dad to his 22nd child in 2007. – Atula, Staff Writer

VIDEO Ramajit Raghav 94 year old Becomes Father For the First Time

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The world's biggest family - Ziona Chana

The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren - at this moment!!!

He is head of the world's biggest family - and says he is 'blessed' to have his 39 wives.
Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren.
They live in a 100-room, four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.
Mr Chana told the Sun: 'Today I feel like God's special child. He's given me so many people to look after.
'I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world's largest family.'
The family is organised with almost military discipline, with the oldest wife Zathiangi organising her fellow partners to perform household chores such as cleaning, washing and preparingmeals.
One evening meal can see them pluck 30 chickens, peel 132lb of potatoes and boil up to 220lb of rice.
Coincidentally, Mr Chana is also head of a sect that allows members to take as many wives as he wants.
He even married ten women in one year, when he was at his most prolific, and enjoys his own double bed while his wives have to make do with communal dormitories.
He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom with the older members of the family sleeping further away - and there is a rotation system for who visits Mr Chana's bedroom.
Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house. He is the most handsome person in the village.
Another of his wives, Huntharnghanki, said the entire family gets along well. The family system is reportedly based on 'mutual love and respect'
And Mr Chana, whose religious sect has 4,00 members, says he has not stopped looking for new wives.
'To expand my sect, I am willing to go even to the U.S. to marry,' he said.
One of his sons insisted that Mr Chana, whose grandfather also had many wives, marries the poor women from the village so he can look after them.
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The world's biggest family video for food

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


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Monday, March 12, 2012


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Sunday, March 11, 2012


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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HAPPY women's day

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012


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Monday, March 5, 2012

Hindu culture

 Thousands of Hindus, who comprise over eight percent of Malaysia's 28 million total 

 population, participated in the annual Hindu thanksgiving festival in the capital at the Batu

 Caves temple, Malaysia February 7, 2012. Your View/Fareez Nazlan

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